在给mapper.xml 文件传多参数且其中一个参数为 in 参数
刚开始思考拼接当做一个参数传入 MySQL
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| <select id="selectBookInfoList" resultMap="ResultMapWithBLOBs" parameterType="Map"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>, <include refid="Blob_Column_List"/> from book_info <where> <if test="bookId != null and bookId != ''"> book_id in (#{bookId}) </if> <if test="bookIsbn != null and bookIsbn != ''"> and book_isbn like #{bookIsbn} </if> <if test="bookName != null and bookName != ''"> and book_name like #{bookName} </if> <if test="bookAuthor != null and bookAuthor != ''"> and book_author like #{bookAuthor} </if> </where> <if test="start!=null and size!=null"> limit #{start}, #{size} </if> </select>
resultMap 为自定义实体类
book_id 为 int类型 #{bookId} 为拼接 1,2,3
结果发现mysql 将sql识别为 select * from book_info where book_id in (‘1,2,3’); 查询出 book_id 为 1 的数据
如果直接传入拼接好的where in 条件, 比如(’1’,’2’,’3’),需要使用${bookId}传参,即绝对引用,而不能使用#
, 如果使用#传参会被mybatis当成字符串再添加一层’’引号,导致错误.
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| <select id="selectBookInfoList" resultMap="ResultMapWithBLOBs" parameterType="Map"> select <include refid="Base_Column_List"/>, <include refid="Blob_Column_List"/> from book_info <where> <if test="bookId != null and bookId != ''"> book_id in (${bookId}) </if> <if test="bookIsbn != null and bookIsbn != ''"> and book_isbn like #{bookIsbn} </if> <if test="bookName != null and bookName != ''"> and book_name like #{bookName} </if> <if test="bookAuthor != null and bookAuthor != ''"> and book_author like #{bookAuthor} </if> </where> <if test="start!=null and size!=null"> limit #{start}, #{size} </if> </select>
拼接参数可以是:bookId = ‘1’,’2’,’3’